Coshocton Tribune Small Business Week Article
May 19 2014
On May 18, 2014, the Coshocton Tribune ran an article titled "Small Businesses are Making it Work in Coshocton", It featured a nice story on Pearl Valley Cheese. Here is a link to the article on their page which also includes some pictures. www.coshoctontribune.com
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Pearl Valley's Swiss Wins Gold Medal at 2014 World Championship Cheese Contest
March 25 2014
FRESNO, OHIO – Pearl Valley Cheese, a four generation, family owned business, has been making award winning Swiss Cheese for over 85 years and the honors are still rolling in. A panel of international cheese experts judging the 2014 World Championship Cheese Contest recently awarded Pear l Valley a Gold Medal in the Rindless Swiss Cheese Class. “For cheesemakers,...
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Pearl Valley Cheese gains recognition as one of the best in the nation at the US Cheese Championships
March 21 2013
Green Bay, WI - On March 12 and 13 an expert panel of experienced judges from the dairy industry and government agencies spent two days at the Green Bay Packers home, Lambeau Field, to cut, feel, smell and taste cheeses from across the U.S. to determine the best cheeses in the country. The event is organized by the Wisconsin Cheesemakers...
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Coshocton Tribune Article Link
February 15 2013
Check out this link to the recent article in the Coshocton Tribune featuring us! "It's not easy being cheesy!"
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